We are thrilled to announce the successful launch of the Brophy Community Foundation internship program! Earlier this week, BCF held an event at the Meadowbrook House and brought together a fantastic group of 35 enthusiastic Brophy College Prep junior and senior students, all beneficiaries of BCF’s tuition aid. Read more here: https://brophyfoundation.org/article/a-successful-kickoff-for-the-brophy-community-foundation-internship-program
Consider giving Arizona K-12 Students a Brighter Tomorrow at NO COST to You!
Brophy Community Foundation is an Arizona certified school tuition organization authorized to receive individual and corporate tax credit contributions. You and/or your company can redirect your Arizona taxes toward tuition aid for deserving K-12 students at Brophy College Prep, Loyola Academy, and 37 other schools across Arizona.
Here’s how you can make a difference:
- Businesses: C-Corps, companies that file as S-Corps, and insurance companies that pay a premium tax can redirect some or all their Arizona income tax to BCF and get a dollar-for-dollar reduction on their AZ income tax return. There’s still $100 million available to claim on a first-come, first-served basis!
- Individuals: Contribute up to $2,910 (married) or $1,459 (single) and get a dollar-for-dollar reduction on your Arizona income tax return! Click here to donate today!
Dawn Kennedy
Dawn Kennedy, the Founder and current Executive Director of the Brophy Community Foundation has been advocating for educational equity in Arizona since 1998. The Brophy Community Foundation acknowledged her outstanding work in the Who’s Who of Non-Profits. Read more here: https://www.bizjournals.com/…/subm…/6548715/Dawn_Kennedy
Questions for BCF?
- Tax Credit Questions: Contact Dawn Kennedy at dkennedy@brophyprep.org or 602-264-5291 x6500.
- Tuition Assistance: Contact Heather Chapman at hchapman@brophyprep.org or 602-264-5291 x6227.
- Marketing or Internship Program Questions: Contact Laura Walsh Giesecke at lgiesecke@brophyprep.org or 602-264-5291 ex 6521
Together, let’s invest in Arizona’s future!